Monday, March 16, 2009

Come Back to Me

Come Back to me
By Patricia Ang

“Come back to me, with all your heart. Don’t let fear keep us apart.” As I sang the lyrics from the song Hosea, I can’t help recalling how indeed I strayed and returned back to Lord.

In the parable of the prodigal son, the man has 2 sons. The younger son asked the father for his inheritance. The father divided the wealth among them and the younger son chose to leave (Luke 11-12). After the younger son had squandered his wealth, he chose to return back to his father. The father, despite what the son had done, welcomed him home with open arms.

Have we ever been like the prodigal son, thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side, we wander off away from God? Every person has the right to say to God ‘Leave me alone. Don’t bother about me.’ (Revelation 3:20)

Yet our Lord, who loves us so much, waits patiently for our return. He is like the shepherd that seeks to find the missing lamb that strayed off from the herd. Our Lord Jesus is the great shepherd of the sheep (Heb13:20). He saw us as “sheep without a shepherd. He came to seek and to save those who were lost (Luke 19:10).

In the parable of the lost sheep (Matthew 18:12-14), it is said that the shepherd will leave ninety-nine sheep on the hills and go to look for the one that had wandered off. He is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way, Our Father is not willing to let any one of us be lost.

As I reflected on both the parables, I must confess that I too, am one of those lost sheep. Baptised at the age of 5, I didn’t know much of the catholic faith even though I attended a catholic primary school. As a teenager, it did not help in my faith as I did not attend a catholic secondary school, neither did I attend Sunday school.

When I started working, my faith in God took a nose-dived. I blamed my family for not giving me a chance to choose my religion. When people asked what was my religion, I just kept quiet. There was a period of time, I did not attend the Catholic church. Instead I attended my friend’s Methodist Church.

It took me a while to go back to church. At that time, I was pursing my studies, and I recalled the church advertising the first Alpha course. I could not make it for that course, but somehow the alpha course was on my mind. When the second Alpha course came about, I was glad I was able to sign up for it.

As a guest in Alpha2, I had the opportunity to know people and of which a few of them are my good friends now. It was the prayers and fellowship that bonded us together. Someone told me, when I was a guest in alpha, I was very aloof and distanced. At that time, I was facing several issues in my which I did not know how to deal with it. I was not receptive during this alpha course.

After the Alpha 2 course, someone submitted my name to Spotlight to be a writer and there I slowly began writing articles. Subsequently, I also went on to help out in Alpha 4, 5, 10 and 11. My turning point in my faith was in Alpha 4 during the Holy Spirit weekend. As host of the group, we need facilitate and lead in group discussions. Hence every week, I diligently did my preparations and I started praying daily for our guests and all who were involved in the alpha course. Gradually I realised became less self-centred and cared more about other people. It is about serving the Lord. As I seek him, He in turn guids me to the faith. The Holy Spirit weekend for Alpha 4 was a turning point, as I surrendered all the hurts that was within me, peace just fell within me. From that own day onwards, each Holy Spirit weekend has been eye-opener to me and it is always a humbling experience.

By then, I was just awed by the Lord’s presence as I accepted Him back to my life. As I wanted to know more about him, He leads friends to show me the faith, books to read up on and courses to attend. It was only in 2007, was I finally a confirmed Catholic. I am now proud to say I am so thankful to know Jesus.

It has now been 4 years as a writer for Spotlight and this year I also volunteered to be a contributor for Oxygen ( This is a reflection on the daily readings which we as contributors take turns to reflect upon. It has been a joy for me just writing for the Lord and I thank Him for his grace and blessing for this gift of writing. I also thank the Lord for his patience for waiting for me to come back to him.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)


Patricia Ang

If your income were to double overnight, how much money would you give away? If you were to be the richest person on this earth, how generous do you think you would be? Is generosity only in the form of money? How about being generous with your time and your gifts and talents?

The way people handle money shows the attitude in many aspects of their lives. Wherever your money is, that is where the focus on your attention will be. In Matthew (6:21), it is written ‘For your heart will always be where your riches are.’

For an investor who invest heavily in the stock market, you will probably check the financial pages or your earning statements frequently. For a new home owner who has spent a large amount of money on your house, you will probably spend time and effort taking care of it. For a donor who has contributed a lot of money to a church, you will probably care how the money is used. However do you realise if you give money to people directly or through a charity, you will care more about people. This helps to foster a more generous spirit in you.

Generosity is changing one’s focus from self to others. Isn’t it true that no one likes to be around people who only think of themselves. They enjoy being with people who are givers, those who are willing to take time to be there for you. True generosity is not focusing on income – it begins with the heart. It is about serving others and looking for ways to add value to people. When you are occupied with giving to others and helping them to succeed, it drives away selfishness. You can’t light another path without casting light on your end.

What do people often value other than your money? It is none other than your time and attention. There is no commitment when there is no giving. The people closest to you would rather have you than your money. Ask someone who is in love, nothing can take the place of a spouse’s or partner’s attention. A child would rather have a parent’s undivided attention more than anything else. At work employees with great potential know that a good mentor is more valuable than a mere monetary reward. Hence money is not everything.

The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and to share. When you look back at the things you have done in your life, you will derive more satisfaction from the pleasures you brought to other people’s lives than when you focus on the times that you outdid and defeated them. When you invest in another person just for the sake of seeing them blossom, with no other benefit that you might receive, you will be the kind of generous person others want to be around.

“One man gives freely, yet grows even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” (Proverbs 11:24-25)

God give us gifts and talents and HE bless us so that we can be a blessing to others. Think about it, when you keep your gifts and talents to yourself, do you feel a stagnant growth in your life? How about the times you shared your gifts and talents with the people around you, how did you feel? By sharing what we know, we are also growing and learning.

If you completely give of yourself physically, you become exhausted. But when you give of yourself spiritually, you will get more strength. God never gives us strength for tomorrow or for the next hour but only for the strain of the moment.

I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to those that I meet, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.

Count your Blessing

Count Your Blessings
By Patricia Ang

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

Although millions of people celebrate the birth of the Lord, few seem to be aware of its real significance. What does Christmas mean to you? The true meaning of Christmas is that Jesus was born to die. Because he was crucified and then rose to the dead, forgiveness of sin and assurance of heaven is now offered to all who believe. (John 1:12)

The birth of Christ showed us how much God love the world that Jesus came to save us from our sins (Matthew 1:21) and give us eternal life (John 3:14-17)

Jesus came in the form of a human being, a baby born in the manger in Bethlehem. He grew into manhood, led a perfect life and willingly died for your sins and mine.

Have we taken the Lord for granted all this while? Have we been spiritually blind? Have we been cold and unforgiving to the people around us? Do we count our blessings and give thanks to the Lord daily?

For the family you have given us, thank you Lord. For our parents who brought us up and provided us a home and education. They stood by us through their love and dedication. There are times when we fail to meet up to their expectations or when there are misunderstandings, forgive us lord for those insensitive words and actions. Yes, at times, when words are uttered, the damage is already done. Yet blood is thicker than water, let there be peace and harmony in the family.

For the friendship and kinship that you have given us, they have been a pillar of strength and joy. Lord, thank you for the people we meet at the respective stages in our lives. They are there to guide us, to teach us, to support us and to encourage us. Help us to remember, it takes 2 people to maintain a friendship/relationship. Allow us to take time to cultivate such friendship of like-minded people and grow together.

For the opportunities that you have given us, thank you Lord for your guidance. As children, we thank you for providing us with an education and for the teachers that we meet who make an impact in our lives. For the friends that we meet and friendships that are forged along the way. As adults, we thank you for the jobs that we have to support the family and the opportunity to grow in our careers.

Thank you Lord for the gifts you have given us to serve you to you in your glory. “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working but the same God works all of them in men.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)

As we come together to serve you in our respective ministries, allow us to discern your plan. Protect us from distraction and renew us daily with your love and grace to serve you. For those who are trying to figure out what are their gifts, show them Lord by your grace. For those who know and are serving you, allow them to be grow and serve you diligently and humbly. Allow us to speak the good news to the people around us.

For all the things that we have taken for granted, forgive us Lord. Open our hearts to receiving you in our lives. Open our ears to hearing you and discern your plan. Open our eyes to seeing you and the fruits of your love. Open our mouth to proclaim the good news and to reflect on how you have touched us in our daily living.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

As we celebrate Christmas, may we be filled with wonder at His love and His coming.