Tuesday, June 24, 2008

choice in life

Choices in Life

Our lives are not made up by the dreams that we dream but by the choices that we make. Often we will have plenty of choices in life and usually we have a choice between “Do we do things our way or God’s way?”

Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3). In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

In1 Corinthians 6:20, Paul reminds us that we have been “bought at a high price”. God cleansed us from our sins by buying us with the high price of His own life. Let us live to bring glory to God. Our eyes, hands, feet, dreams, thoughts have been purchased to reflect the wondrous glory of God’s will and wisdom. Glorify God in your body.

Don’t we all make choices daily in our lives – be it at work, our relationships, spending time with God?

Why do we work? Do we work for a living or do we feel passionate about our work, where we can use our gifts and talents to make a difference in what we do? Is there a feeling of joy, service and fulfilment at work?

For the past few weeks, I was feeling the stress at work. There were too many things to look into and there were datelines to be met – writing the contents and sourcing pictures for collaterals and website, overseeing the interviews for the corporate video, arranging for dates for road shows, sourcing gifts for visitors and doing fund raising for community service project. There was hardly a moment to catch a breather or time to talk to colleagues or friends. Yet by God’s grace, I managed to survive all these and able to perform the tasks diligently and professionally. It is by praying, listening to praise and worship songs and constantly asking Lord to bless me with strength, wisdom and good health.

My soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation He is my fortress. I will never be shaken (Psalm 62:1-2)

The people that we allow into our inner circles are choices that will affect us. People whom we encounter occasionally don’t affect us that much, but those we spend a lot of time with do. We should make sure we surround ourselves constantly with people who are positive and full of faith.

On weekends, after a hectic week of work, I make a choice to relax and spend time with my family and close friends. I make a point to bring my mother out for a meal weekly and spend time with her. Recently, I also visited the Peranakan Museum, Labrador Nature Reserve and Qianhu Fish Farm which has been a refreshing change for me. It is also joy catching up with close friends over coffee and meals. Over the years I realised that it takes 2 people to maintain a good friendship. I am very thankful for my friends from my secondary school days whom we are still in contact. Over the years, I have met fair weathered friends and those who take one for granted and which I eventually chose not to keep in contact with them.

How about your relationship with God – is it fired with passion to love and serve Him or is it in a lukewarm and stagnant stage? A personal relationship with God through Jesus offers a new way of living. We are invited to receive Christ by faith and when we do, righteousness, as well as many other wonderful blessings is imputed in our lives. (Romans 10:6)

The decision to be a spotlight writer has been one that has truly fulfilling. In order to write the articles, I started reading the bible, daily bread, keeping a book of biblical quotations, attending courses like Alpha and Cafe to know more about the faith and reading books like Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer and John Maxwell. It is a commitment to spend time with God and also to constantly improve in the articles written.

Have you set your mind to pursue the purpose of God passionately or are you pursing your own plan and expecting God to bless it. Well just throw away all your plans and say “Lord, I want your will in your timing. I do not want to be ahead of you, neither do I want to be behind you. Help me to wait patiently on you. God let your will be done in my life.”

Anytime you are doing your best to serve God, you are never wasting your time. God is faithful and He will always bring a reward to those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)

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