Monday, March 3, 2008

Peace Be with You

Peace Be With You

Does the Lord seem distant when trials or adversity come your way? Do you look for the Lord’s presence when you encounter difficulty or challenges? A great deal of failure in the Christian life is due to acting on impulse and emotional fervor without counting the cost. The lord keeps watch over us at all times, especially in our moments of difficulty and temptation. Do you rely on the Lord for his strength and help? Jesus assures us that we have no need of fear if we trust in Him and in his great love for us.

Be quiet. Practice putting aside some time every day to experience silence. Calm your mind, release the need to think, analyze and know everything. The best information comes from the deep recesses of your soul. In quiet reverence God can be heard. It’s during this quiet moment can we put everything that’s on our mind and reflect on our god. Some of the issues that we face in our lives may be vexing and they may pose as a mystery to us. That is why God said, “Be still and know that I am god’ He wants us just to listen, sometimes not to think or talk or try to figure things out. Just be silent and listen to his voice.

Have you ever encountered this state of confusion on what you want in life? Let the peace that the Lord gives control your thinking – Colossians 3:15. The first thing you lose when you step out of god’s will is your peace. So if you don’t have peace, don’t proceed. Many times peace is all God will give you to let you know whether you are in or out of his will. Maybe at times we want to see immediate results that we tend to be impatient with ourselves. One of my friends mentioned to me she wanted a career change, but up till today, there are no job openings for her. However she did mention she felt this peace within her and reflected it may be God’s way of asking her to be patient.

How do you get this peace? Surrender your problems to the Lord. Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this you will experience God’s peace. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest.

When you are at peace with yourself, you can see things at a clearer picture. There are times when problems which are bothering you are not as big as you think. Pause and reflect what are your goals and priorities in life. Where do you see yourself in a given time span, say 5 years time, picture that scenario and affirm it and pray to the Lord. You will be surprised 5 years down the road, you will be in the exact scenario that you had prayed for. Be receptive to your environment – the Lord’s presence can be in the form of advice from your friends, words from books, email, or even the next verse of a song lyrics. He is always there for us. Sometimes the solutions to our problems are right in front us, it’s just whether are we open and willing to accept the solutions.

Occasionally we face spiritual warefare. This may come in the form of self doubt, fear, falling sick, not getting the support from the people we love. Always turn to God in faith and trust. Let him have all your worries for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you. Stand firm when the enemy attacks. The moment you being to worry, stop and ask yourself, “What’s the enemy trying to do here? If I give in to these negative emotions, what will the result be? Talk to God, pray and spend time on the bible.

When calamities or trials threaten to overwhelm you, how you respond? With faith and hope in God’s love, care and presence with you? Lord help me to trust you always and to never doubt your presence and your power to help me. Strengthen my faith that I may walk straight in the path you set before me.

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